Monday, September 18, 2006

Propaganda is Satans favorite friend

Like violence, gangs and sex.....propaganda is everywhere. Its pure manipulation, its pure persuasion, and its probably pure genius. It is on every commercial in between our tv obsession. Our lives are full of this influencial media, and lets be honest they are making millions on us.

Lately though, all I seem to see is beer commercials .
Yes, I love beer....its true. Heiniken Light to be exact.

But the commerical that comes to mind is for Milkwaukees Best beer. If you dont watch tv, this commercial promotes the masculinity that eludes drinking beer. The guy in the commercial sees a smaller dog and bends down and says "oh what a cute dog you are" in a very feminine voice. Of course a huge milwaukees best beer come crashing down on him. The beer pins him to the ground as if punishment for even speaker in a fashion that is not masculine. This of course being that he needs to act like a man.

Their audience is mainly men, for they are telling their drinkers to act like men and drink their beer.
Their quote..."Men should act like men."

This form of propaganda is obviously a specific message aimed at men, urging them to drink "the manly beer"is the beer for men...or so it says. The propaganda throuhghout these commercials....yes, there is more than one...leads to the notion of persuasion. Is this type of advertisement working? Well, their beer sales have increased in this past year. I am sure they will continue to campaign their beer for men as well as keep the masculinity and humor alive in their commercials.

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