Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Kentucky Free Chicken?

Nicole Ritchie and Paris Hilton fight in the media everyday. "She showed my porn video"......"she stopped eating".....blah blah blah.

How often do you see organizations go after each other? Thats right, I am talkin' about good oldKentucky Fried chicken where you a can geta bucket of chicken for 16.99$$ vs. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)

PETA has millions of supporters, including Pamela Anderson. Well having the large breased baywatch babe on your side doesnt always do wonders.....and I suppose KFC has millions of supporters as well. However, these two companies are in the ring and duking it out.

PETA is ruffleing KFC feathers...almost literally. PETA is fighting for a change in the way KFC slughterhouses are killing their chickens. It has been video taped that some slaughterhouses are using extremely inhumane ways to kill chickens, such as throwing them against walls in hopes they break their necks, as well as dipping them in boiling hot water while fully conscious. Theses cruel methods are the reason PETA is causing a stir.

PETA gimicks are not only aimed at KFC but to celebrities who wear fur. PETA is known for throwing red paint (to imiate blood) on the coats of those wearing fur. Other outrageous antics that PETA does to draw attention to its great cause it getting Pam Anderson to dress up in a lettuce bikini.

But enough of the gimicks...and back to the chicken fight. KFC is refusing to tame its horendous ways of killing chickens claiming that it is cheaper and people will still enjoy the chicken regardless. PETA disagees.

The fight will continue, and PETA is contining its stike against KFC food.

How will these organization far out in the end? No one can tell yet, but its obvious that the public fight is not over. Does the public fight bring more heart wrenching followers to take sides? What about the animal loving KFC craving citizen? Will heart conquer hunger??????

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