Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What has TV come to?

A new reality show is created. Celebrities are now given guns and videotaped, how special.
Celebs like Eric Estrada (known from CHIPS), Jack Osborne, La Toya Jackson, Wee Man and Trish Stratus are partaking in the show.

The show "Armed and Famous" is being produced in a small Indiana town with the populace of only 66,000.
The celebs had a ceremony to become sworn in. They have been sworn in as reserve officers of the city police daparment, which will allow them to carry gunsa and badges as part of the series.

The former CHIPS star (Estrada), the son of Ozzy Osborne (Jack), the sister of Michael and Janet Jackson (La Toya), a skateboarding midget who reached fame from the movie Jackass (Wee Man) and a former WWE wrestler will all now be active reserve officers for Munice police department. The show will continued to be filmed through January and has not yet been determined when it will air to the public. Sgt. Jason Webber, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 78, said the union is "cautiously optimistic" about the show.

Why has television become reliant on the appeal of reality television? And why has it come so far from shows like Paradise Island, where people are tempted to cheat on their mates with beautiful and sexy decoys to celebrities are now allowed to carry guns for entertainment? Who would think this special plot up? And how are they letting this truly be aired? What has our society come to that we are in need to watch C-list celebs carry guns around? And lastly, who is going to watch this? Maybe I will, and write about what I see. Because who knows maybe Eric Estrada has a new toupee and looking good like his days back in the 70's.......

1 comment:

Lilly Buchwitz said...

That show sounds like it should be a sketch on Saturday Night Live -- a parody. That it is real, is a little frightening.

Sorry; make that a lot frightening.